• LAB Series

    Play development is integral to our mission. In our theatre lab, playwrights hear their work in progress read aloud and receive feedback in a safe, supportive environment.

  • HeartBROKE

    A festival of short plays for the broken

    Think discounted Valentine’s Day cards and decorations, boxes of chocolate left desolate on dusty shelves, shattered human hearts laying trampled on the cold floor - “Clean up on aisle "love"!

  • Blurring Boundaries

    A collection of plays that aim to push past ephemeral norms and explore the true nature of our social contract through amplifying lgbtq+ stories, marginalized voices, and unexpected relationships. The festival presents works that include themes of: personal evolution and the sometimes painful process of self-identification, unexpected relationships, family dynamics and role reversals, perseverance in the face of hardship, neurodivergence, body diversity, lgbtq+ stories, gender identity and gender play, racial identity, and, always, love.

  • FEARfest

    A short play festival exploring the many faces of fear.

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